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    Expertly formulated by Integrative Medicine Expert, Isaac Eliaz, MD, ecoDigest is your go-to daily digestive enzyme supplement for fast-acting gut support and healthy digestion balance.

    The power of an Integrative Digestive Formula

    LONG-TERM DIGESTIVE BALANCE ecoDigest delivers powerful, complete digestive support to promote a healthy gut and digestive function for long-term digestive balance and health.*


    ecoDigest includes a small amount of digestive enzymes in the formula to help stimulate the body’s natural enzyme production and support optimal nutrient absorption.*


    ecoDigest features traditional Chinese herbs, functional mushrooms and essential minerals that work to calm occasional indigestion including gas, nausea, and bloating.*


    Soothing botanicals and essential minerals in ecoDigest help relieve occasional heartburn and promote a healthy GI environment.*


    Herbs and natural ingredients like ginger root, functional mushrooms, and licorice root in ecoDigest provide prebiotic nourishment for healthy gut microbes.


    Cinnamon, cardamom, maitake mushroom and other ingredients in ecoDigest help support optimal blood sugar balance and overall metabolic health and efficiency.*

    - 1 capsule twice per day before meals
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    ENJOY OPTIMAL HEALTH! Men’s Daily offers maximum daily benefit for men of all ages with 46 ingredients including essential vitamins, minerals, herbs and antioxidants. In addition to the essential vitamins and minerals in this formula, Men’s Daily includes four unique herbal/nutrient blends to support key areas of men’s health.  With Men’s Daily, you’ll feel the difference. Your energy will increase and you’ll have the strength and mental alertness to deal with stress. The wide range of antioxidants, and the special health blends, will fortify your immune system and support long-term prostate, liver, and cardiovascular health. You can feel confident that you are doing the right thing to protect your health.  A Powerful Multi-Nutrient Formula supports your daily health needs with the essential vitamins and minerals vital to men's well-being. This specially formulated combination of vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants, and botanicals provides the foundation for long-term health.  With comprehensive, unique health blends, Men's Daily promotes lasting Prostate, Liver and Cardiovascular health.
    • Detox and Liver Support Blend
    • Vitality, Metabolic and Endocrine Support Blend
    • Prostate and Endocrine Support Blend
    • Antioxidant Blend
    Includes Four Unique Blends for Comprehensive Support Detox and Liver Support Blend Contains broccoli sprouts and Oregon grape root; milk thistle seed, turmeric root and grape seed extracts, together with L-taurine and glycine. Broccoli sprouts and turmeric extract are known to offer powerful support for detoxification and cellular health. Oregon grape root, milk thistle and grape seed extracts have demonstrated support for healthy liver function.* L-taurine is an amino acid which is important in the formation of bile for liver health and gentle detoxification. Vitality, Metabolic and Endocrine Blend Contains choline, lecithin, acetyl-L-carnitine, DMAE, ginkgo leaf, and ginseng root. The nutrient DMAE works to maintain healthy levels of acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter for cognitive function. Ginkgo supports circulation and healthy cognitive function. Supplementation with acetyl-L-carnitine promotes mitochondrial energy metabolism and supports cognitive health.  Prostate and Endocrine Support Blend Contains lycopene, saw palmetto and oat straw extracts, damiana leaf, pumpkin seed, pygeum bark and nettle leaf. All of the ingredients in this blend provide support for prostate health, hormone balance and overall vitality. Antioxidant Blend Contains Quercetin, hesperidin, lutein, bilberry extract, and citrus bioflavonoids. These antioxidants work to promote cellular health and DNA integrity, while supporting immunity and overall vitality. Bilberry extract contains anthocyanin (a flavonoid), which possesses antioxidant properties and helps support strong capillaries and healthy circulation. Lutein is an antioxidant specific for eye health support, and has been shown to promote prostate health as well. Quercetin is a bioflavonoid which offers powerful support for the immune system and cellular protection.  Supports Cardiovascular Health The vitamins B3 (Niacin), C, and E, along with Chromium, Selenium, and Folate in Men’s Daily also help to support a healthy cardiovascular system. Balanced Daily Nutritional Support With precise combinations of substantiated natural ingredients, Men’s Daily delivers unparalleled support for men of all ages. This unique formula works to promote vitality, stamina, immunity and overall health, throughout all stages of a man’s life.


    Men’s Daily is a unique combination of 46 ingredients, specially formulated and blended into a multi-nutrient to meet the daily needs of today’s men. In addition to the essential vitamins and minerals at levels well above the recommended daily dosage, Men's Daily adds four special blends for men: Prostate Health, Antioxidant, Liver health, and SuperNutrient for future protection. These blends work together in a way that will leave you feeling energized and well-protected. A Nutritional Supplement that will Help: 
    • Increase your energy and build up stamina
    • Reduce the effects of stress and help anti-aging
    • Protect prostate and aid sexual function
    • Reinforce your cardiovascular health
    • Strengthen your mental concentration and cognitive functions
    • Detoxify your liver for efficient body cleansing
    The well balanced, high dose Vitamin B complex in Men’s Daily along with other vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and herbs will help you to feel fewer ups and downs and cause your energy to last longer. This basic formula is loaded with ingredients like Selenium, Zinc, and Vitamin E to promote healthy urination and sexual potency. This product also adds Saw Palmetto, Pygeum, Lycopene and many other elements for achieving long-term prostate health. Men’s Daily helps support a healthy heart with high doses in a balanced format of Vitamin B-3, C, and E, along with Chromium, Selenium, Folic acid, and the Men’s Longevity Blends.   PURE AND NATURAL:  Our Longevity® Formulas are 100% Vegetarian, Allergen and Gluten free, and contain no artificial flavors, preservatives or colors. All of ecoNugenics supplements are manufactured in a manner that meets or exceeds the current Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) guidelines, as outlined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Suggested Use:  As a dietary supplement, take 3 capsules twice daily, or as recommended by your health care practitioner.
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    PROTOCOL FOR LIFE Gamma E Toco Complex Antioxidant Protection 


    There are four natural forms of vitamin E (four tocopherols): d-alpha, d-beta, d-delta, and d-gamma.

    Gamma-Tocopherol (Gamma-TOH) represents the primary dietary form of vitamin E in the U.S. and recent scientific studies indicate that it possesses unique functions that distinguish it from other forms of vitamin E - AND most importantly, best for prostate health!

    • Gamma-TOH works within the vitamin E complex to trap and remove nitrogen radicals from the body and helps to balance the body’s response to biological stress. 

    • Gamma E Toco Complex has the necessary full range of antioxidant protection of vitamin E, with a natural balance of tocopherols plus a full complement of tocotrienols.

    • The entire vitamin E complex acts to stabilize cell membranes, supports a healthy neurological system, and helps to maintain cardiovascular health.

    Each bottle contains 90 softgels.

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    Advanced EnteroPro Probiotic

    Shelf Stable – Over 50 Billion Organisms per Capsule! A Unique Shelf-Stable Probiotic with each capsule containing over 50 billion organisms!  Each bottle contains 60 vegetarian capsules. ADVANCED ENTEROPRO is a multi-strain probiotic formula containing “key” strains, including Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Plantarum, Pediococcus Acidilactici, Pediococcus Pentosaceus, Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus Paracasei, Lactobacillus Lactis, Bifidobacteriuam Aimalis ssp lactis, Lactobacillus Salivarius, and Lactobacillus Rhamnosus. This powerful combination of probiotic organisms is very potent and is delivered directly into the intestines so it is utilized fully and is not destroyed by stomach acid. (Other Ingredients: Spinach powder, vegetarian capsule, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate (vegetarian source). Suggested Use:   Take 1 capsule up to two times per day with meals or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Contains No Gluten, Soy, Egg, Dairy, Fish, Shellfish, Nuts, Preservatives, Artificial Colors, or Flavors. Storage instructions: This product is shelf-stable and does not require refrigeration.  Refrigeration will, however, extend the shelf-life.

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    Nutrivene Longvida Curcumin

    Specially Formulated to Be Readily Absorbed – Superior to Generic Curcumin

    Potent Anti-oxidant Promotes Brain/Cognitive Health, Joint Mobility and Reduction of Inflammation, Prostate Health and More! Nutrivene Longvida™ Optimized Curcumin is a Proprietary Formula containing the natural antioxidant Curcumin, optimized for maximum targeting into blood and tissues to keep the body operating OPTIMALLY! Longvida™ was developed over several years by a prestigous group of neuroscientists at a leading California research university.  Years in Development lead to perfecting  Longvida™ Curcumin, now the focus of several ongoing clinical trials. How is Nutrivene Longvida™ different from regular ’turmeric 95%’? Longvida™ addresses proper absorption: whereby ’generic’ curcumin presents well in test tube and in animals, but insignificant positive trends in clinical trials.  Our Patent-pending SLCP™ Technology ensures a safe, natural composition that PROMOTES ABSORPTION INTO THE BLOODSTREAM and various organs – KEY as it is important how much curcumin is absorbed, not the amount consumed, high amounts of curcumin are no longer needed.   This means it is easy on the stomach, another plus. What research is behind it? Human and in vivo data on Longvida™ includes the following results:

    • Curcumin from Longvida™ penetrates the bloodstream and the brain, and is one of the first to reach target concentrations in the body.*
    • Longvida™ may significantly support cognition, memory, and general health.*
    • Longvida™ reaches plasma at least 65 times better than generic curcumin.*

    What health conditions can Longvida™ be used for? Curcumin has been studied for various health applications, including the promotion of longevity and Cognitive health. As of June 2009, more than 2800 publications on curcumin were available through the NIH medical database and in ongoing human trials. Many have reported that Longvida™ may help promote Joint Health and flexibility, and help to Modulate Inflammatory Responses already within the normal range. Curcumin is also a Potent Antioxidant and is used in skin products as an anti-microbial and healing agent.  Universities and medical centers are looking at Longvida™ for a variety of areas that curcumin has shown beneficial effects. Data in clinical/preclinical trials at a leading California research university, and other laboratories and medical centers strongly supports Longvida’s safety and potential for effectiveness for supporting general and specific health areas listed above. How Safe is the Curcumin found in Longvida? ™ 100% natural, generally recognized as safe (GRAS) food additive, and has been used in traditional medicine and food for thousands of years. In clinical studies, curcumin showed a positive safety profile at doses of 8-12 grams (8,000-12,000 milligrams) per day.(7,22) Longvida™ is reported to have an excellent safety profile, and showed no acute high-dose toxicity at the highest dose tested, a dose equivalent to 1000 times the recommended dose. Is Longvida okay for people with dietary restrictions? Longvida™ contains all ingredients found in our food chain, contains No Animal products, and is Gluten-Free. Longvida™ may contain ingredients made from soy. Consult your Health Care Practitioner if taking chemotherapy or blood thinners and anti-imflammatory agents as Curcumin may enhance these. What is the recommended dose? The recommended dose is 1-2 capsules per day, or as directed by a healthcare professional.  Two capsules of Nutrivene Longvida Curcumin contain 1000 mg Longvida RD Optimized Curcumin (from curcumin longa). Other Ingredients: Plant derived cellulose (capsule), soy lecithin, stearic acid (from vegetable), dextrin, ascorbyl palmitate (vitamin c), and silicon dioxide. May also contain microcrystalline cellulose. Longvida is made using no 1,2 dichlorethane (ethylene dichloride, or EDC), and is natural high-curcumin turmeric extract perfected in India. The curcumin found in Longvida™ is a 100% natural, generally recognized as safe (GRAS) food additive, and has been used in traditional practices and food for thousands of years. Longvida™ contains no piperine, a glucuronidation inhibitor that may enhance the bioavailability of both nutrients as well as potential toxins. Longvida also contains no unstable volatile oils from turmeric root. Further, Longvida™ is not processed in a way that may create new molecules or chemical bonds which are foreign to the food chain or our bodies. Longvida is a trademark of Verdure Sciences, Inc.

    (International Patent Pending (International App No. PCT/US2007/005829). References 1. Aggarwal BB, Bhatt ID, Ichikawa H, Ahn KS, Sethi G, Sandur SK, et al. Turmeric: the genus Curcuma. Taylor and Francis Group; 2006. p. 297–368. 2. Aggarwal S, Ichikawa H, Takada Y, Sandur SK, Shishodia S, Aggarwal BB. Mol Pharmacol 2006;69:195–206. 3. Baum L. et al. Letter in Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology Volume 28, Number 1, February 2008 pp110-112. 4. Began G, Sudharshan E, Appu Rao AG. Lipids 1998;33:1223–8. 5. Begum AN, Jones MR, Lim GP, Morihara T, Kim P, Heath DD, Rock CL, Pruitt MA, Yang F, Hudspeth B, Hu S, Faull KF, Teter B, Cole GM, Frautschy SA. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2008 Jul;326(1):196-208. 6. Bundy R, Walker AF, Middleton RW, Booth J. J Altern Complement Med 2004;10:1015–8. 7. Cheng AL, Hsu CH, Lin JK, et al. Anticancer Res. 2001;21:2895-2900. 8. Cho JW, Lee KS, Kim CW. Int J Mol Med 2007;19:469–74. 9. Conteas CN, Panossian AM, Tran TT, Singh HM. Dig Dis Sci. 2008 Dec 3. 10. Cruz-Correa M, Shoskes DA, Sanchez P, Zhao R, Hylind LM, Wexner SD, et al. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2006;4:1035–8 11. Deodhar SD, Sethi R, Srimal RC. Indian J Med Res 1980;71:632–4. 12. Dhillon N, Aggarwal BB, Newman RA, Wolff RA, Kunnumakkara AB, Abbruzzese JL, Ng CS, Badmaev V, Kurzrock R. Clin Cancer Res. 2008 Jul 15;14(14):4491-9. 13. Frautschy, SF. 38th Annual Meeting of the Society of Neuroscience , Washington DC, November 15, 2008. 14. Ganguli M, Chandra V, Kamboh MI, Johnston JM, Dodge HH, Thelma BK, Juyal RC, Pandav R, Belle SH, DeKosky ST. Arch Neurol. 2000 Jun;57(6):824-30. 15. Garcea G, Berry DP, Jones DJ, Singh R, Dennison AR, Farmer PB, et al. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2005;14:120–5. 16. Goel A, Kunnumakkara AB, Aggarwal BB. Biochem Pharmacol. 2008 Feb 15;75(4):787-809. Epub 2007 Aug 19. 17. Gota VS, Maru GB, Soni TG, Gandhi TR, Kochar N, Agarwal MG. J Ag Food Chem Submitted 2009. 18. Hanai H, Iida T, Takeuchi K, Watanabe F, Maruyama Y, Andoh A, et al. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2006;4:1502–6 19. Holt PR, Katz S, Kirshoff R. Dig Dis Sci 2005;50:2191–3. 20. Lal B, Kapoor AK, Agrawal PK, Asthana OP, Srimal RC. Phytother Res. 2000;14:443-447. 21. Lal B, Kapoor AK, Asthana OP, Agrawal PK, Prasad R, Kumar P, et al. Phytother Res 1999;13:318–22. 22. Lao CD, Ruffin MT, Normolle D, Heath DD, Murray SI, Bailey JM, et al. BMC Complement Altern Med 2006;6:10. 23. Ng TP, Chiam PC, Lee T, Chua HC, Lim L, Kua EH. Am J Epidemiol 2006;164:898–906. 24. Ono et al. J Neurosci Res. 2004 Mar 15;75(6):742-50. 25. Satoskar RR, Shah SJ, Shenoy SG. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol 1986;24:651–4. 26. Sharma RA, McLelland HR, Hill KA, Ireson CR, Euden SA, Manson MM, et al. Clin Cancer Res 2001;7:1894–900. 27. Shishodia S, Singh T, Chaturvedi MM. Adv Exp Med Biol 2007;595:127–48. 28. Shoskes D, Lapierre C, Cruz-Correa M, Muruve N, Rosario R, Fromkin B, et al. Transplantation 2005;80:1556–9 29. Skrzypczak-Jankun E, Zhou K, McCabe NP, Selman SH, Jankun J. Int J Mol Med 2003;12:17–24. 30. Soni KB, Kuttan R. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 1992;36:273–5. 31. Yang F, Lim GP, Begum AN, Ubeda OJ, Simmons MR, Ambegaokar SS, et al. J Biol Chem 2005;280:5892–901.)

     *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 60 Capsules Per Bottle, 500 mg. ea.

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    2010 NutrAward For "Best New Finished Product" This Ground-Breaking Nutritional Supplement Delivers Unprecedented Anti-Aging Benefits!

    Sustained Release & Micronized For 8+ Hours of Bioavailability in the Body!


    Recognition in the Industry by having received this year's NutrAward for Best New Finished Product, VitaPQQ's many benefits are now available to you! Reported by both Nature and Science journals as the first new vitamin discovered since 1948 with over 175 published studies demonstrating the following outstanding benefits: Specific Benefits to the Mitochondria - the "power plants" of cells, responsible for generating energy to power the entire body. Mitochondrial Protection that helps slows the Aging Process - Additionally it Protects Nerve Cells*, Boosts Energy Levels* and Improves Mental Focus and Performance.* The First Dietary Supplement Ever Commercially Available - to feature PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone) as a New Dietary Ingredient to be accepted by the FDA. Featured in Science™ magazine: Feel the Energy and Revitalization of Body & Mind Featured in Nature™ magazine *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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    Your Tummy is Asking for it!

    Probiotics have experienced massive growth in the past few years, as consumers become educated about their benefits for digestive health. However, all probiotics are not created equal. Different strains of friendly flora vary in the health benefits they offer, their ability to survive stomach acid and oxygen, the amount of research supporting them, and whether or not they are even innate to humans.

    Quality of Life Labs is pleased to introduce:


    featuring Morinaga BB536, one of the most researched — and efficacious — probiotics in the world*

    About Morinaga BB536

    Developed by the second largest dairy company in Japan, Morinaga BB536 is the country’s top-selling probiotic ingredient. This proprietary strain of Bifidobacterium longum provides specific digestive health benefits, survives stomach acid and oxygen, and is supported by numerous published human clinical trials. Importantly, it is of human origin, meaning it is a natural part of the human digestive system.

    Bifilon Benefits

    Provides a natural defense against episodic digestive upsets, including constipation, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, gas and bloating* Improves the bodily ratio of beneficial to harmful bacteria* Decreases ammonia and putrifactive products in the digestive tract* Targeted benefits: While some probiotics only mention vague digestive health benefits, Bifilon says exactly what it's good for right on the label, which promots consumer sales. Clinically proven: Bifilon features Morinaga BB536, one of the few strains of friendly flora supported by over 50 published scientific studies, including 30 human clinical trials. Recommended with confidence: Because it has been so thoroughly researched, you can recommend Bifilon to all your customers with confidence that it will work. Morinaga BB536 Improves Regularity by 48% A 10-day clinical trial in people suffering from constipation found that treatment with Morinaga BB536 increased stool frequency by 48%.* The probiotic also improved the bodily ratio of beneficial to harmful bacteria.* *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
  • Sale! Lycocell

    Lycocell™ Patented Lycopene Complex with Lyc-O-mato®! Supports Prostate Cellular Health & Well as Healthy Heart, Eyes and Skin* Superior Lycopene Products with These Outstanding Benefits:

    • Contains original Lyc-O-mato Ensuring Absorption
    • Formulated as Compiled and Used in Clinical Study!
    • Clinically Dosed – 2 softgels daily provide the required dosage.
    • Lycocell contains full spectrum phyto-nutrients – the result: A product superior to standard lycopene supplementsMen living in the Mediterranean region are significantly more likely to enjoy prostate health than those in the United States. Why? Researchers think it’s all the tomato products they eat, which contain ample amounts of lycopene.
    Brilliant red in color, lycopene is a powerfully protective antioxidant. Epidemiological studies have documented that frequent consumption of lycopene-rich tomato products is associated with prostate, lung, and stomach cell health.* Ingesting foods containing lycopene is also linked with cardiovascular wellness and clear vision.* While many nutritional supplements contain synthetic lycopene, Lycocell™ features Lyc-o-mato® — a clinically tested, natural tomato extract that contains lycopene plus the full range of phyto-nutrients present in red, ripe tomatoes. That’s important, because nearly all the human studies have used whole food sources of lycopene — not synthetic. By providing the full spectrum of phyto-nutrients found in whole tomatoes, Lycocell boasts more powerful antioxidant activity and greater health benefits than standard lycopene products. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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    Doctor-Formulated ALLERFIN®

    A Breath of Fresh Air for Seasonal Allergy Sufferers...Enjoy the Outdoors & Indoors all year 'round!

    Physician-formulated Allerfin® is a unique blend of some of the world’s most researched NATURAL ingredients to help manage your season discomforts and support healthy Histamine Levels

    Allerfin® Special ingredients & Benefits:

    Support Sinus Health* - Human clinical research has found that Allerfin® - a proprietary extract of the Japanese herb perilla frutesens enriched with rosmarinic acid, reduces inflammation of the nasal passageways.* Clinical evidence also shows that bromelain, an enzyme derived  from pineapple, has the same effect.
    • Block Histamine Release* - In vitro studies found that quercetin, a bioflavonoid found in red wine, apples and grapefruit, may prevent immune cells from releasing histamine.* Researchers also believe stinging  nettle reduces the amount of histamine produced.
    •  Support Lung Health* - * Double-blind, placebo-controlled trials have shown that bromelain supports free and easy breathing.*
    • Relieve Eye Irritation*- A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial found Allerfin® provides relief from watery, itchy eyes in human subjects.*

    Make a Clear-Headed Decision… Try ALLERFIN!

    60 Vegicaps Per Bottle *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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    Longevity Science NKO KRILL OIL


    Krill Oil is a very powerful antioxidant and contains important phospholipids and Omega 3 Fatty Acids.  It is extremely HEART Healthy (especially when combined with Co-Q10 and VitaPQQ or our Mitoviva in our Quality of Life Line). Longevity Science NEPTUNE KRILL OIL (NKO) features phospholipids specially integrated with Omega-3 fatty acids for building healthy cell membranes. Longevity Science NKO Krill Oil is rich in Astaxanthin, a natural carotenoid which is more powerful than beta carotene and gives Krill Oil is bright red color and ensures high absorption. In addition to being Extremely Heart Healthy, it is a powerful Anti-Inflammatory, especially useful for those with RA at 1500 mg per day…it is also useful in balancing hormones and promoting positive mood.         


    • A controlled human study with 120 patients with elevated blood lipids: Study groups receiving placebo, some 3 g fish oil daily, and others receiving 1 g, 1.5 g, 2 g, 3 g NKO Krill Oil daily for 90 days. After90 days, all NKO Krill Oil groups showed significant decreases in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, and simultaneous increases in HDL cholesterol. In the 1 g and 1.5 g Krill Oil groups, the patients were kept on a maintenance dose of 500 mg daily for another 90 days, and each group maintained significant corrections in all four markers compared with baseline values.
    • Another study on Krill Oil involved Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). In a controlled published study, 70 patients with PMS were asked to take NKO Krill Oil for 30 days, then dose for eight days prior to and two days after menstruation, for a total study time of 3 months. After both 45 and 90 days, there was a greater statistically significant improvement over a broader range of PMS symptoms in the NKO Krill Oil Group over the group taking just  fish oil. Symptoms improved by NKO Krill Oil included breast tenderness, stress, irritability, depression, joint pain, abdominal pain, weight gain, and bloating.
    Longevity Science NEPTUNE KRILL OIL (NKO) contains 400 mg of Phospholipids, 70 mg of DHA, 130 mg of EPA, and 750 mcg of Astaxanthin in 2 capsules. Each bottle contains 60 capsules (500 mg each). (Other ingredients: softgel (bovine gelatin, glycerin, purified water, sorbitol, ethyl vanillin). Neptune Krill Oil contains no yeast, wheat, gluten, sugar, egg, dairy, nuts, preservatives, or artificial colors. May contain traces of seafood protein. Note: If you are pregnant, nursing, allergic to shellfish, or are taking anticoagulations such as Warfarin, consult your health care professional. Suggested use: 2 softgels daily with the first meal for 30 days, then 1 softgel thereafter or as recommended by your health care practitioner. Each bottle contains 30 servings. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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    Sustained Release Over 24 Hours

    CoQ10-SR®Doubles CoQ10 Levels in 3 Weeks!

    CoQ10-SR® with patented MicroActive® CoQ10 delivers 24-hour sustained release of one of the most intensively studied cardioprotective antioxidants. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is one of the most intensively studied cardio-protective nutrients, which can also increase overall energy and act as a powerful antioxidant against free radicals.* Because standard CoQ10 is poorly absorbed, a number of technologies have been developed to improve its bioavailability. Unfortunately, while these products may dramatically increase CoQ10 absorption in some people, they have little or no effect in others.

    CoQ10-SR® is different.

    Delivering sustained release over 24 hours, CoQ10-SR contains MicroActive® CoQ10, the only form of CoQ10 shown in human clinical studies to have universal enhanced absorption across all subjects.* In fact, CoQ10-SR:
    • Doubles CoQ10 levels from baseline in 3 weeks*
    • Delivers sustained release over 24 hours*
    • Is 3x better absorbed than regular CoQ10*
    • Is 2x better absorbed than solubilized (“enhanced bioavailability”) CoQ10 softgels*

    CoQ10-SR is wonderful for EVERYONE....

    Heart Protection...Increased Energy...Order Today!

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    20 MG. PHYTOCANNABINOIDS – 30 Softgels

    Whole Hemp Flowers & Aerial Parts Extract



    Active Ingredients In Complete Spectrum 20:
    40 mg.  Cannabid-ALL hemp flowers and aerial parts organic extract powder, with 20 mg. phytocannabinoids

    The first dietary supplement with Cannabid-ALL™, complete spectrum hemp organic extract powder, made using proprietary solvent technology.

    This process extracts and concentrates the broadest range of hemp constituents including chlorophyll, sequiterpenes, triterpenes, flavonoids and the full spectrum of hemp cannabinoids, with absolutely no harmful solvent residue.


    Complete Spectrum

    Suggested Use:

    As a dietary supplement for adults, use one capsule per day. Some individuals may require more than one softgel but 20mg is usually an effective dose.  Can be taken with or without food, every day or just when desired, no known side effects or contraindications. 

    Warning: Keep out of reach of children. Should not be taken during pregnancy or while nursing. Consult with a healthcare professional for recommended usage levels for children. This product is not intended to be the sole source of nutrients in the diet. Store in a cool, dry place.

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    Satisfide® is a natural supplement for men who want to take control of their sexual health and satisfaction.* Satisfide™ supports all phases of sexual satisfaction: desire, performance, and endurance.*
    • Stimulates desire* Where does desire start? Testosterone is key. Virilast®, a proprietary blend of seven herbs, supports healthy levels of both testosterone and brain chemicals related to desire.* That’s thanks to the shilajit, asparagus, and Mucuna pruriens it contains. Zinc arginate, a highly bioavailable form of zinc, is also included in Satisfide because poor zinc status is linked with low testosterone levels.*
    •  Enhances performance* Proper blood circulation is a prerequisite for sexual performance. The body relies on nitric oxide for circulation because it increases the dilation of blood vessels, allowing more blood to flow through them. The ashwagandha, Tribulus terrestris and shilajit in Virilast® support the production of nitric oxide, thereby enhancing circulation.* Virilast® also contains antioxidant herbs that reduce oxidative stress.*
    •  Increases endurance* Every athlete knows the importance of endurance to staying in the game, and the same is true of sexual satisfaction.  A triple-blind, placebo-controlled human clinical trial with 148 subjects found that Virilast® improves sexual endurance in men.*
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                                      A Step Ahead of the Rest!                                                   

    by American BioSciences

    Size: 90 capsules/bottle

    Active Ingredients (amount per serving):
    Organically Grown Turmeric (Curcuma longa) (root) 1,350 mg, Turmeric Extract (Curcuma longa) (root) 150 mg (standardized to 95% curcuminoids), BioPerine Black Pepper Extract 10 mg (Piper nigrum) (fruit) (standardized to contain 95% piperine).

    Key Benefits:

    • Supports the heart, brain and joint health

    • Provides soothing, comforting relief

    • Enhances healthy, beautiful skin

    • Enhances mood   

    Product Description: 

    Each serving of American BioSciences USA Premium Turmeric Curcumin contains 1500mg of turmeric and 10mg of BioPerine Black Pepper Extract standardized to contain 95% piperine, which supports absorption and bio-availability. Turmeric has long been used for its powerful natural properties for many centuries by traditional Ayurvedic herbalists. Curcumin is an extensively researched compound by modern scientists for its various natural effects.

    This excellent turmeric is grown and manufactured in the USA and each batch undergoes rigorous third-party testing. This product is free of soy, gluten, milk, egg, wheat, peanuts, sweeteners, shellfish or added sugar; has no color additives, binders, or preservatives; and is GMO-free. There are 90 vegetarian capsules per bottle.

    There may be natural color variation in this product.


    Product Information:

    • Premium American turmeric: American BioSciences Turmeric is U.S. grown and what we say on the label is what you’re getting in the capsule and this is verified through independent, laboratory testing. Many manufacturers will purchase inexpensive, overseas ingredients and label them as “ultra pure” or the “highest quality” but the truth is that those ingredients are typically grown in poor conditions and don’t contain what the label claims. This is premium American turmeric with an unbeatable price!


    • Turmeric formula enhanced with BioPerine: American BioSciences turmeric capsules contain 1500mg of turmeric curcumin powder with 95% standardized curcuminoids per serving and 10mg of BioPerine (black pepper extract)


    • Enhanced absorption and bioavailability: Our premium American turmeric curcumin is combined with BioPerine (10mg per serving), a patented piperine extract shown to increase absorption and bio-availability in turmeric supplements; compared to most turmeric teas, turmeric powder has higher absorption


    • GMP & 3rd-Party Tested: American BioSciences’ USA grown ultra high purity turmeric curcumin supplement is manufactured in the USA in a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) compliant facility and every batch is tested by 3rd-party American labs to guarantee top quality, purity and potency


    • 20 Years of American BioSciences: American BioSciences’ natural supplements have been sold around the world for over 2 decades; all of our products are scientifically formulated to utilize pure, premium, potent natural ingredients with powerful properties
    Turmeric Curcumin Supplement Facts

    Suggested Use:

    As a dietary supplement, take three (3) capsules daily, preferably with a meal and water or as recommended by a healthcare professional.

    CAUTION: Do not exceed recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under the age of 18, and individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement.


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    Great  Support for Healthy Aging

                        One Little Pill, So Many Benefits! 

    From Anti-Aging. Joint Support, Brain & Heart Protection, Powerful Anti-Inflammatory and More!

    Curcumin-SR™ 24-Hour Sustained Release. Curcumin-SR™ by Quality of Life Supports Optimal Overall Health.  Maintaining healthy joints with a bioactive curcumin complex is just one! Studies have shown that those who suffer from serious rheumatoid arthritis can actually relieve some of their pain by using curcumin supplements due to its powerful anti-inflammatory benefits.  Do the things you LOVE as Curcumin-SR™ is a dietary supplement that contains the MicroActive Curcumin complex, which provides superior support for healthy joints. And Curcumin is Extremely Rich in Antioxidants which stop “free radicals” another great health benefit! Other studies show it is promising in fighting the spread of cancer*, keeping your heart and brain healthy* and you skin smoother as well as helping to lower blood sugar levels*….So while studies continue regularly, it is thus far very impressive---And now easy to take in this Bioavailable form released over a 12 Hour Period to keep blood levels consistently elevated! It is absorbed faster than regular curcumin and 100% vegetarian friendly. Gluten Free, NO GMO – Just one Vegicap daily with a meal  may help keep you on the all-natural pathway to overall better Health & Wellness!  One 500 mg. Vegicap is a Proprietary Blend containing  a powerful 125mgs of MicroActive Curcumin (sustained-released complex)—Turmeric root extract (Curcuma longa) Other Ingredients: capsule (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), microcrystalline cellulose, organic rice hull concentrate, If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications or have a medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary supplement.

  • Sale!

    Advasorb® DHA

    BEST, Potent, highly bioavailable source of DHA!

    Anti-Inflammatory, Brain/Eye Health, Neurological Support!

    Advasorb DHA features two superior forms of DHA: Romega® herring caviar oil and rTG premium fish oil. Both forms have better bioavailability than the ethyl ester form found in most fish oil products, so you get more of what you take DHA for.


    Advasorb® DHA from Quality of Life features Romega® herring caviar oil combined with re-esterified triglycerides (rTG) premium fish oil. Both forms have better bioavailability than the ethyl ester form found in most fish oil products, so you get more of what you take DHA for.

     Together, fast-acting Romega® and rTG premium fish oil create a potent, highly bioavailable source of DHA. Because it’s not how much you take — it’s how much you absorb and utilize!


    • Provides DHA from Romega® herring caviar oil + rTG premium fish oil
    • With fast-acting phospholipid-bound omega 3s
    • Higher bioavailability formula for better efficacy
    • Sustainably produced to ensure healthy fish populations
    • 500 mg DHA plus 50 mg EPA per 2 softgels


    • DHA is essential for brain and eye development*
    • DHA supports neurological function*
    • DHA plays a central role in supporting a healthy inflammation response*

    Deep Dive:

    • If you’re looking to supplement your diet with DHA, you might be tempted to choose the least expensive product out there. All DHA is the same, right? Actually, no! DHA comes in different forms, some more bioavailable than others. (Bioavailability determines how much DHA you absorb and utilize.)

      Most DHA supplements use the ethyl ester form — the least bioavailable kind — because it’s cheaper to manufacture. A better, more bioavailable type of DHA is the triglyceride form. This is what you find in whole, fresh fish. And the Cadillac of DHA is the phospholipid form. This is the kind found in krill oil and herring caviar oil, also known as Romega®. It has 2x the bioavailability of triglyceride-bound DHA.

  • Sale!
    Serenelle® helps increase your energy and focus by helping the body: reduce occasional stress, produce calming brain waves and improve mood. Most anti-stress products work by sedating the central nervous system, causing drowsiness and impairing mental function. Serenelle® helps you de-stress while increasing your energy and focus.*
    • Reduces occasional stress.*  A human study found that Sensoril® ashwagandha extract significantly reduced symptoms of occasional stress — including anxiety, heart palpitations, irritability, and sleeplessness.*
    • Produces calming brain waves.* L-theanine and natural PharmaGABA™ have been clinically shown to increase the production of alpha brain waves — indicating a relaxed state of alertness.* Synthetic GABA does not have the same effect.
    • Improves mood and mental alertness.* Relesse™ lemon balm extract has been clinically shown to improve stress-induced negative mood and increase mental alertness.* Relesse is guaranteed to contain the specific constituents responsible for lemon balm's cognitive effects.*
    • Balances hormones.* Sensoril has been clinically shown to reduce the stress hormone cortisol, while boosting the energizing hormone DHEA.*
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    New & Improved SUGARSolve 24/7 ® - American BioSciences


    Help Stabilize and Enjoy Healthy Blood Sugar Levels With New & Improved SUGARSolve 24/7!


    Active Ingredients: Banaba Leaf Extract (18% Corosolic Acid) Size: 120 capsules/bottle

            Food cravings, weight gain, mood swings and fatigue can all lead to  swings in blood glucose, even in healthy individuals.  Getting proper sleep, moderate exercise and dietary modifications can all help to even out those extreme highs and lows, but more may be needed.

           Add New & Improved SugarSolve 24/7 to your regime to help maintain proper Glucose Levels and Feel your Best! 

           New & Improved SUGARSolve 24/7 contains an extract from the Banaba leaf (Lagerstroemia speciosa L.), standardized to 18% corosolic acid, which is clinically proven to activate cellular glucose transport, which supports balanced blood glucose as part of a program to maintain healthy glucose levels.

            Help Stabilize and Enjoy Healthy Blood Sugar Support With New & Improved SUGARSolve 24/7:

    • Maintains healthy blood sugar levels

    • Clinical banaba leaf extract

    • Supports healthy weight loss

    • Inhibits carbohydrate cravings

    • Enhance energy levels

          Start Feeling Better and Order your

    SugarSolve 24/7 Today!

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    SUPERIOR JOINT SUPPORT..CLINICALLY PROVEN BioCell Collagen® GIVE JOINTS SUPERIOR SUPPORT When you can move with ease and your joints feel Functional and Flexible, you’re free to live and move the way you want to!  Unfortunately, 70 million Americans — or one in three adults — don’t have that kind of freedom, because they experience occasional trouble with their joints.    Cartiflex ™ is good news for those limited by joint pain/inflexibility due to aging or injury.  We’ve done our Research and bring you  Cartiflex™ featuring two clinically tested ingredients — BioCell Collagen® & Chondroitin sulfate — that Increase the Mobility and Range of Motion of Synovial Joints (synovial joint is the Most Movable and most Widespread type of Joint throughout the body)  through their structure-modifying effects.   Why Extra Chondroitin? BioCell Collagen®, at 2 grams daily, provides key naturally occurring components, including 400 mg of chondroitin. While BioCell Collagen® is effective at this dosage; Studies on ONLY chondroitin sulfate typically utilize 800 mg per day.   Cartiflex™ combines BioCell Collagen® with extra chondroitin to maintain the Clinically Studied dosages of each ingredient  And that makes the difference that helps many.  Cartiflex ™ Benefits For the “Right Move”
    • Improves Joint Flexibility and Mobility with BioCell Collagen® + chondroitin sulfate.
    • Helps Cushion and Lubricate the joints with BioCell Collagen®, which helps replenish Hyaluronic acid.
    • Promotes a more Active Daily Lifestyle with BioCell Collagen® + chondroitin sulfate.


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    Natural Energy Boost!

    Longevity Science Acetyl L-Carnitine is a natural dietary supplement that may help improve physical performance by supporting energy production in the body.

    Acetyl L-carnitine is a derivative of L-carnitine, an amino acid found in almost every cell of the body.

    L-carnitine supports energy production from long-chain fatty acids and the central nervous system. As such, it helps offer support to those experiencing fatigue.  L-carnitine may also help relieve disruptions to your metabolism, important to weight maintenance and energy.

    Other Benefits:

    • Reducing fat mass
    • increasing muscles

    Acetyl-L-Carnitine is an amino acid that is naturally produced in the body.  It helps the body produce energy, and is important for heart and brain function, muscle movement, and many other body processes.

    Each capsule contains 500 mg Acetyl-L-Carnitine.  Other ingredients: hypromellose (capsules). 

    This product does not contain: yeast, wheat, gluten, soy, milk, egg, fish, shellfish or tree nut ingredients.

    Suggested use:   Take 1 capsule daily, preferably with meals, or as directed by your health care practitioner.

    Each bottle contains 90 softgels.