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    Great  Support for Healthy Aging

                        One Little Pill, So Many Benefits! 

    From Anti-Aging. Joint Support, Brain & Heart Protection, Powerful Anti-Inflammatory and More!

    Curcumin-SR™ 24-Hour Sustained Release. Curcumin-SR™ by Quality of Life Supports Optimal Overall Health.  Maintaining healthy joints with a bioactive curcumin complex is just one! Studies have shown that those who suffer from serious rheumatoid arthritis can actually relieve some of their pain by using curcumin supplements due to its powerful anti-inflammatory benefits.  Do the things you LOVE as Curcumin-SR™ is a dietary supplement that contains the MicroActive Curcumin complex, which provides superior support for healthy joints. And Curcumin is Extremely Rich in Antioxidants which stop “free radicals” another great health benefit! Other studies show it is promising in fighting the spread of cancer*, keeping your heart and brain healthy* and you skin smoother as well as helping to lower blood sugar levels*….So while studies continue regularly, it is thus far very impressive---And now easy to take in this Bioavailable form released over a 12 Hour Period to keep blood levels consistently elevated! It is absorbed faster than regular curcumin and 100% vegetarian friendly. Gluten Free, NO GMO – Just one Vegicap daily with a meal  may help keep you on the all-natural pathway to overall better Health & Wellness!  One 500 mg. Vegicap is a Proprietary Blend containing  a powerful 125mgs of MicroActive Curcumin (sustained-released complex)—Turmeric root extract (Curcuma longa) Other Ingredients: capsule (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), microcrystalline cellulose, organic rice hull concentrate, If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications or have a medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary supplement.

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    Sustained Release & Micronized For 8+ Hours of Bioavailability in the Body!

    NutrAward For "Best New Finished Product" This Ground-Breaking Nutritional Supplement Delivers Unprecedented Anti-Aging Benefits!



    Recognition in the Industry by having received this year's NutrAward for Best New Finished Product, VitaPQQ's many benefits are now available to you! Reported by both Nature and Science journals as the first new vitamin discovered since 1948 with over 175 published studies demonstrating the following outstanding benefits: Specific Benefits to the Mitochondria - the "power plants" of cells, responsible for generating energy to power the entire body. Mitochondrial Protection that helps slows the Aging Process - Additionally it Protects Nerve Cells*, Boosts Energy Levels* and Improves Mental Focus and Performance.* The First Dietary Supplement Ever Commercially Available - to feature PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone) as a New Dietary Ingredient to be accepted by the FDA. Featured in Science™ magazine: Feel the Energy and Revitalization of Body & Mind Featured in Nature™ magazine  
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    PureBalance Serotonin provides the raw material for your body to make serotonin,* with additional ingredients that help with mood, sleep and appetite. If you have difficulty losing weight, there could be a simple physiological reason: low levels of serotonin. That’s because a proper balance of serotonin is important for positive mood states, good quality sleep, and a normal appetite. PureBalance™ Serotonin includes 5-HTP, the raw material the body uses to make serotonin.* The actions of serotonin are reinforced with ingredients for:

    • Weight control: Relora® may reduce stress and stress-related eating.*
    • Stress management: Rhodiola Rosea helps the body adapt to stress, while L-theanine increases the generation of relaxing alpha brain waves.*
    • Mood support: Insufficient vitamin D may negatively affect mood, while Rhodiola rosea has been used for centuries to promote a positive outlook.*
    • Sleep support: L-theanine encourages the transition from the beta brain waves of mental arousal to the alpha brain waves of relaxation.* Combined with a healthy diet and plenty of exercise, PureBalance Serotonin gives you the support you need to cheer up and slim down.*
  • Sale! Lycocell

    Lycocell™ Patented Lycopene Complex with Lyc-O-mato®! Supports Prostate Cellular Health & Well as Healthy Heart, Eyes and Skin* Superior Lycopene Products with These Outstanding Benefits:

    • Contains original Lyc-O-mato Ensuring Absorption
    • Formulated as Compiled and Used in Clinical Study!
    • Clinically Dosed – 2 softgels daily provide the required dosage.
    • Lycocell contains full spectrum phyto-nutrients – the result: A product superior to standard lycopene supplementsMen living in the Mediterranean region are significantly more likely to enjoy prostate health than those in the United States. Why? Researchers think it’s all the tomato products they eat, which contain ample amounts of lycopene.
    Brilliant red in color, lycopene is a powerfully protective antioxidant. Epidemiological studies have documented that frequent consumption of lycopene-rich tomato products is associated with prostate, lung, and stomach cell health.* Ingesting foods containing lycopene is also linked with cardiovascular wellness and clear vision.* While many nutritional supplements contain synthetic lycopene, Lycocell™ features Lyc-o-mato® — a clinically tested, natural tomato extract that contains lycopene plus the full range of phyto-nutrients present in red, ripe tomatoes. That’s important, because nearly all the human studies have used whole food sources of lycopene — not synthetic. By providing the full spectrum of phyto-nutrients found in whole tomatoes, Lycocell boasts more powerful antioxidant activity and greater health benefits than standard lycopene products. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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    Unparalleled Daily Support for Pre-Menopause, Menopause & Beyond!

    50+ Women’s Daily for Balanced Changing Rhythms


    50+ Women's Daily is a comprehensive blend of herbs and nutrients designed to work synergistically for maximum nutritional support, while helping women's bodies adapt to changing rhythms before, during menopause and beyond.  It offers comprehensive support for healthy bones and joints, cellular health, immunity, vision, cognitive health and cardiovascular wellness, while promoting vital energy levels throughout the day. UNIQUE FORMULA DESIGN: 50+ Women’s Daily is based on a combination of essential vitamins and minerals necessary to support the nutritional demands of women today. Dr. Eliaz expands on this foundation by including three targeted blends of herbs and nutrients, designed to provide broad-spectrum health benefits for women, INCLUDING: · Vitality, Metabolic and Endocrine Support Blend - The ingredients in this comprehensive blend promote healthy hormone balance during and after menopause, while balancing metabolism and helping to support vital energy levels throughout the day. · Detox and Liver Support Blend & Antioxidant Blend - These antioxidants offer critical support for key areas of health in menopausal and post-menopausal women, including cellular health, immunity, vision, cognitive health and cardiovascular wellness.  The Detox ingredients in this blend have been used for centuries by traditional herbalists to support liver health, cognitive function and immunity, and to promote gentle detoxification. · Supports Cardiovascular Health And Optimizes Brain Function - Vitamins B3 (Niacin), C and E, along with chromium, selenium and folate in Stress, lack of estrogen and absence of load or weight bearing exercise can affect bone health.  50+ Women's Daily help to support a healthy cardiovascular system and provides phytoestrogens to help offset the changing hormonal levels that occur during menopause. · Promotes Vitality, Immunity and Hormonal Balance -   50+ Women's Daily is based on a balance of essential daily vitamins and minerals necessary for women throughout the transition of menopause and beyond.  This comprehensive formula includes four targeted herbal-nutrient blends to promote key areas of health in menopausal and post-menopausal women. · Promotes Healthy Bones - Stress, lack of estrogen and absence of load or weight bearing exercise can affect bone health. 50+ Women's Daily provides phytoestrogens to help offset the changing hormonal levels that occur during menopause. Balancing botanicals help to modulate stress responses. In addition, 50+ Women's Daily includes balanced combinations of Chaste tree extract, glucosamine and horsetail provide nutritional support for healthy bones and joints critical for bone and joint health. · Complete Nutritional Support with Substantiated Natural Ingredients  - 50+ Women's Daily provides comprehensive nutritional support for women in menopause and beyond.   This unique formula integrates leading-edge science with the wisdom of ancient herbal traditions, offering a powerful daily supplement to address the complete range of women’s nutritional requirements. The most absorbable and bioactive forms of each and every nutrient. THE BEST Manufacturing and Quality Control - Our Longevity® Formulas are 100% Vegetarian, Allergen and Gluten Free, and contain no artificial flavors, preservatives or colors. All of ecoNugenics supplements are manufactured in a manner that meets or exceeds the current Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) guidelines, as outlined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


    50+ Women's Daily Supports Daily Wellness PLUS: · It is High in vitamins A, C, D3, E, Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Folate, B12, Biotin & Pantothenic acid (B5); and minerals Magnesium, Zinc, Iodine, Chromium, Selenium & Manganese (see our label above for complete ingredients).  No Contraindications, Safe and Effective. · Specially Designed for women Pre-Menopausal, Menopausal , and Beyond. · Safe Vegetarian/Vegan formula  plus Gluten and Allergen Free.
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    Sustained Release Over 24 Hours

    CoQ10-SR®Doubles CoQ10 Levels in 3 Weeks!

    CoQ10-SR® with patented MicroActive® CoQ10 delivers 24-hour sustained release of one of the most intensively studied cardioprotective antioxidants. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is one of the most intensively studied cardio-protective nutrients, which can also increase overall energy and act as a powerful antioxidant against free radicals.* Because standard CoQ10 is poorly absorbed, a number of technologies have been developed to improve its bioavailability. Unfortunately, while these products may dramatically increase CoQ10 absorption in some people, they have little or no effect in others.

    CoQ10-SR® is different.

    Delivering sustained release over 24 hours, CoQ10-SR contains MicroActive® CoQ10, the only form of CoQ10 shown in human clinical studies to have universal enhanced absorption across all subjects.* In fact, CoQ10-SR:
    • Doubles CoQ10 levels from baseline in 3 weeks*
    • Delivers sustained release over 24 hours*
    • Is 3x better absorbed than regular CoQ10*
    • Is 2x better absorbed than solubilized (“enhanced bioavailability”) CoQ10 softgels*

    CoQ10-SR is wonderful for EVERYONE....

    Heart Protection...Increased Energy...Order Today!

  • Sale! Metasol

    $42.00 METASOL Quality Of Life


    Youthful! Invigorating...

    (Metasol is Quality of Life's Healthcare line of Oligonol - More Per Bottle - Better Price!)

    Metasol® is a particularly innovative antioxidant and anti-aging nutritional supplement. It contains oligomerised polyphenols - the first supplement in which polyphenol polymers have been successfully converted into oligomers, molecules with superior bioavailability and much greater biological activity. The polyphenols in Metasol® have a low molecular weight – they are thus easier to absorb. Studies comparing Metasol® with extracts of green tea, apple, grapeseed and pinebark, show that Metasol:
    • is much more quickly absorbed (as measured by levels of polyphenols in the blood);
    • has greater antioxidant capacity;
    • has superior bioavailability;
    • is rapidly absorbed in humans. Polyphenol blood concentrations increase in a dose-dependent manner during periods of supplementation.

    ~~~~The Ancient Story of Metasol & It’s Renewing Properties ~~~~

    Metasol is derived from lychee fruit. Lychee has been a valued fruit renowned for thousands of years for promoting healthy aging. In ancient China, the Emperor’s concubine, Yang Gui Fei, reportedly maintained her breathtaking beauty for all the many years of her life because of lychee which the Emperor horded from all over China for her use only. The lychee, from which Metasol is made, is native to low elevations of the provinces of Southern China but its cultivation has spread over the years through neighboring areas of southeastern Asia. Lychee has a high content of polyphenol polymers and through a patented process; these unique molecules can be made to be more absorbable by the body. A proprietary extract of lychee fruit manufactured using a patented technology that boosts polyphenol bioavailability of the product and thereby enhances the product's anti-oxidant capacity. Polyphenols are abundantly present in plants and are known for their ant-oxidant and anti-aging properties. Metasol is produced through a proprietary process that shortens polyphenol polymers into monomers and oligomers to form a unique oligomerized polyphenol, producing greater bio-availability to the body than conventional polyphenols, such as: pine bark, grape seed, apple and green tea. Metasol is shown to be 5 times more bio-available resulting in speedier absorption than conventional polyphenols . Metasol decreased more than 10% of the lipid peroxide level in blood and improved lucidity and sleep pattern in a human study.* Metasol was more effective in many parameters in a study on cognitive function than conventional polyphenols. Extensive in vivo toxicity studies show Metasol to be safe with no adverse effects or negative interactions. Laboratory testing also reveals that Metasol is a stable substance. Scientific research reveals that Metasol is a safe, powerful anti-oxidant that can slow the aging process.* Clinical studies supporting Metasol as an efficacious healthy aging dietary supplement were conducted in the following areas:
    • Skin improvement (to prevent and reduce wrinkles and freckles)*
    • Blood circulation improvement*
    • Reduction of and fast recovery from fatigue*
    • Metabolic support*
    • Natural, safe, no negative interactions
    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.